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You always need to appoint a local manager to register a Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP). However, you can register a Sole-Proprietors, Partnerships, Limited Partnerships (LP )company if you are "ordinary resident' in Singapore, which means you
must have a local address and/or
you can legally remain in Singapore for a long period of time.
If this is not the case you must appoint a local manager (above 18 years old), who is one of the following
a Singapore Citizen
a Singapore Permanent Resident
an Employment Pass holder
an Approval-in-Principal Employment Pass holder
a Dependent Pass holder
For the incorporation of a company there must be at least one shareholder and one director. They can be the same person. At least one director of the company ( above 18 years) must be one of the following:
a Singapore Citizen
a Singapore Permanent Resident
an Employment Pass holder
an Approval-in-Principal Employment Pass holder
a Dependent Pass holder
Registration Fees
Fees For Approval Of Business Name : All types of businesses (non-refundable) S$15
Registration Fees:
Sole-proprietorships, Partnerships & Limited Partnerships (LPs) S$ 50
Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) S$ 150
Conversion from company or business to LLP S$ 100
Representative Office S$ 200
Company limited by shares S$ 300
Company limited by guarantee S$ 600
Singapore Income Tax Rates
Tax Info valid since 2007 - Resident Rates
Chargeable Income in SGD on the first Tax Rate %
0- 20,000 0
20,001 - 39,000 3.5
30,001 - 40,000 5.5
40,001 - 80,000 8.5
80.001 - 160,000 14
160,001 - 320,000 17
more than 320,000 20
Non-residential individuals are taxed at 15% or resident rate (see above) whichever gives rise to a higher tax amount.
Director's fees, consultation fees & all other income are taxed at 20%.
Tax Incentive Schemes for Investors
Singapore's current investment tax incentive schemes are listed below:
Tax Concessions for Research and Development (R&D)
Pioneer Scheme for Manufacturing or Services provides tax exemption on income from qualifying activities - suitable for Manufacturing, Services, GHQ
Development and Expansion Incentive provides reduced tax 5% or 10% on incremental income from qualifying activities - suitable IP Hub, Manufacturing, Service,s RHQ/IHQ*
Investment Allowance provides allowance of 30% or 50% of approved fixed capital expenditure on top of normal 100% capital allowance - suitable for Manufacturing
Approved Holding Company Status provides certainty of capital gains treatment for disposal of approved subsidiaries of at least 50% shares held for at least 18 months - suitable for RHQ/IHQ with holding function
RHQ/IHQ with holding function provides reduced tax 5% or 10% on fees, interest, dividends and gains from qualifying services/activities and Withholding Tax Exemption on interest payments on loans from banks and network companies for Finance and Treasure Center activities - suitable for Finance and Treasure Center
Approved Royalties Incentive provides reduced WHT 0% or 5% on royalty payments to access advanced technology and know-how -suitable for Finance and Treasury Centers and Manufacturing
Approved Foreign Loan provides reduced WHT 0% or 5% on royalty payments to access advanced technology and know-how - suitable for Manufacturing
S19B writing-down allowances for IP acquisition provides automatic 5-year write-down if legal and econ IPR are acquired EDB's approval is required if only econ IPR is acquired - suitable for IT Hub
S19C writing-down allowances for R&D cost-sharing provides 1-year write-down for R&D cost-sharing payments - suitable for Manufacturing and IT Hub
* Regional Head Quarter, International Head Quarter
Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME)
The Association of Small and Medium Enterprises (ASME) is a not-for-profit organisation that champions the interest of the small and medium sized enterprises in Singapore. As one of the key business chambers, ASME works closely with both public and private sectors to further the cause of the SMEs, across ranging sectors of the economy. Visit the website.
Professional Online Networking Groups
Global Association of Information Technology Professionals (GITPA)
Data Management Professionals (Singapore)
Data Management Professionals (Asia Pacific)
Sales Professionals (Singapore)
Entrepreneurs & Freelancers (Singapore)
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